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3 Simple Ways to Deepen Your Yoga Practice

by | Oct 26, 2018 | words, yoga | 2 comments

Yoga is moving meditation. It can also be a great workout. Here are three simple ways to deepen your practice, allowing you to connect more with your body which will increase your strength, flexibility and mental peacefulness.

1. Meditation

Begin your meditation as soon as you enter your practice space. Whether you practice yoga at home or join group classes, as soon as you step into your practice space (or onto your mat) discontinue the ongoing chatter with yourself and conversations with others. Clear your mind and come to your breath in Sukhasana (easy pose), Savasana (corpse pose), or Balasana (child’s pose). Notice how quickly and beautifully you slip into your practice when the mind is still and focused.

2. Stay on your mat

After class, many times students comment on the practice of others – always to say something kind or supportive. Sometimes I hear some light hearted competitiveness. But here’s the deal, every moment you spend focusing on someone else’s practice, you miss time focused on your own practice and you lose that meditative connection between your mind, body and breath that yoga seeks to create and maintain. I promise you that your own practice will progress exponentially if you give yourself your time and attention during your yoga practice, rather than giving your time and attention to others.

3. Don’t forget to breathe

I hope that you find these simple tips helpful. Do you have any simple tips to help others deepen their yoga practice? If so, please share in the comments below.

Sergio on November 21, 2018 at 7:00 am

Great tips This how i experienced It!

One Love

Hi erica I think i will need you as a writter for my website! i think you are the best person that can help me with this because of the a view articals you wroth about me in the past


Erica Danielle on November 23, 2018 at 8:09 pm

Sergio! Thank you for the comment and I am always here for whatever you need. Let me know how I can serve.

One Love – that’s all there is!

hi, i’m erica

I’ve spent the last ten years helping people find their peace of mind, release their pasts, and enjoy the present moment with confidence, joy, and a clear understanding of what that really means.

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